Mrs. Altena

Who's Hungry? 

Our Deep Hope is to hunger for God's Word, knowledge of his creation, and ways to serve in gratitude.

Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst." JOHN 6:35   

heLLo Parents!    

It's going to be a great week!

Weekly specials:

Monday: PE

Tuesday:  Music

Wednesday: Library 

Thursday: Art

Friday Music


What an honor to be a teacher here at CVC!  I consider it a privilege to share God's story with a classroom of kids each day.  Every child is unique, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.  I take our mission very seriously: to equip and inspire hearts and minds to transform the world for Christ.

This is my 7th year teaching at CVC.  Life has brought many adventures; all of them pointing to God's faithfulness.  We continue to "Raise a Hallelujah" for good health and for all our blessings.  

God is good all the time.  All the time He is good.  

Mrs. Altena