We did it! What a great Miner's Day, a perfect way to end our 3rd quarter. Report cards will be out next week.
I feel like I struck GOLD! This class is so generous and kind. My heart is full receiving after receiving blessings each day! Through notes, flowers, lunch, treats, and gift cards thank you for all the love and appreciation sent my way. It is an honor to teach your kids.
Word of the Week: March
This month we are praying for the workers and leadership at Visalia Rescue Mission. I will be serving there with my 4th grader on Sat. March 14th at 10 am (it says 13 and older but they have allowed 4th graders to come and serve). This is a completely optional opportunity. Just another way students eyes can be opened to the needs of our community and how we can be praying for Visalia. Sign up here to serve with us or choose another day if you feel led.
Below you will see a button that says 'Service' these are what we like to call formational learning experiences for the class this year. These opportunities are to help students engage in activities to see the world around them and how they can impact it for God. ***Please do not feel obligated to give or participate in these outreaches it is simply a way to help the kids experience and learn how they can make a difference and show God's love.
My deep hope is that we would grow in wisdom as we discover more about God and our role in His story.
About Mrs. James
Welcome to our class page! I am excited to be your teacher and love getting to know the families in our class. I have been teaching for over 15 years and love being a teacher. I studied at Biola University where I received my Bachelors degree in Christian Education, Minor in Biblical Studies, and my CA teaching credential. During my career I have worked in both public and private schools. I highly value the community and commitment to education that Central Valley Christian offers. I am so grateful to be here at CVC and look forward to the school year.