A Note From Mrs. Lyzenga
Important information for this week:
Thank you for spoiling me this week! I appreciate it so much. I should be saying thank you to you for sharing your amazing kids with me!
Miner Morning was so much fun! See our Homepage app for a few pictures.
This week is a normal week. Specials will run as usual. Pack Library books in backpacks on Monday night.
The secret word is "Rain" Have your child whisper it to me on Monday morning.
Our Schedule
This week:
Monday - Music
Tuesday - Library
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: PE
Friday: Music
My deep hope is that as we work together, we discover more about God, and explore how our gifts help us be co-workers with Christ.
About Mrs. Lyzenga
My name is Rebekah Lyzenga, and I have been teaching at CVC for 16 years. I cannot imagine doing anything else! I love what I do, and I love the place God has called me to serve.