4th GRADE 

Welcome to the 4th grade website!

Here you can find grade level information and announcements throughout the year. Make sure to check your teacher's page weekly to keep up to date on individual class information. 

Mark Your Calendar

Memory Verse

Psalm 1:4-5

The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. 

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;

Spelling Words

Your student will have a color-coded list each week. 

Make sure to check their planner to see which list to study.

We will hand this paper out on Monday, but in case you need an extra, click the link below.

What We Are Learning

Bible: Patience to Endure | Psalm 1:4-5 | Quiz on Friday

Reading: Wrapping up our unit on By The Great Horn Spoon and Book Clubs! 

Math: Module 16: Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers

16.1 - Understand Multiplces of Unit Fractions

16.2 - Find Multiples of Fractions

16.3 - Respresent Multiplication of a Fraction by a Whole Number

16.4 - Solve Problems 

Spelling: Unit 28 - Base Words with Suffixes: -ful and -less

Grammar:  Adverbs

Science: Energy

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